Business Startup Advisory Services
We provide business startup advisory services to the residents in and around Olds, and throughout the rest of Alberta.

Business Startup Information
Let our resident business advisors help you build a successful business structure! The most important start up business advice we can give is to understand what type of business structure you need, so that what you choose suits your business needs and lifestyle. Get started on a successful path with a strong foundation for your business, contact our team today!
How can we help your business?
Our business start-up advisory services include:
• Assistance ensuring your product or service will make sense to the consumer.
• Setting up a strong business plan to help you acquire any necessary funding (grants or loans).
• Research into your business idea to ensure it’s going to be a feasible way to make you money.
Remember, a strong business structure will define how your business taxes will be handled come year end.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, there is money out there to help you succeed! Some of the grants available for you include:
Alberta Business Grants LTD
Business Link Canada
Apeetogosan (Metis) Development Inc. Pinnacle Business Services Ltd. -
We recommend speaking directly with your bank for financial support, but any financial institution will accept an application. An example where you can get a business loan is with Community Futures Development Corporation.
Before you hire an employee we recommend you ask yourself the following questions:
Is hiring a new employee truly necessary and do you have means to do so?
Do you have a clear job description?
How do I weed out the Good from the bad?
What qualities do you want in an employee?
How will you onboard a new employee? -
How do I go about doing that? Commercial space is usually rented by square foot so you’ll first need to figure out the square footage that your business will need and carefully read your contract and make sure you understand your obligation. Once you know you’re approved for a rental space, make sure to check out the space’s security and the rest of the area that rental property is available in.
Location Map
Office Location
RR21 and TWS 332
Olds, Alberta
Contact Details
Mailing Address
Ask-Her Tax + Bookkeeping Inc.
RR3 Site 2, Olds, AB. T4H 1P4
Areas Served
If you can't visit our office location we do offer our services via phone for all of Alberta. Locations within 1 hour of our office location: