We provide sole proprietor & tax services to the residents in and around Olds, and throughout the rest of Alberta. Tax Planning | Tax Filing | Tax Preparation | Tax Compliance

Sole Proprietor & Partner Tax Services

Tax Service Information

Our goal here is to minimize your income tax (and tax risk) now and into the future. We’ll help you with everything from preparing tax returns to developing a strong tax strategy that helps you meet your business goals.

Sole Proprietor & Partnered Tax Services

We can help sole proprietors, partnerships, and self-employed individuals in many ways. We are experts who provide support to record business activities on T1 Tax forms, file business goods and services taxes (GST) depending on the province you reside in and the different provinces you do business in, set up goods and services numbers, and provide support with CRA tax audits.

‍Whether you need help with tax filing, tax planning, tax preparation, or tax compliance, we do it all!

Bookkeeping Packages for your Business

Here at Ask-Her Tax + Bookkeeping Inc., we understand that managing finances can be one of the most challenging aspects of running a business. That’s why we are excited to offer comprehensive bookkeeping services tailored to meet the unique needs of your structured businesses.

Our expert team of Real people Helping Real People provides meticulous financial management, ensuring your records are accurate, up-to-date, and compliant with all regulations. By outsourcing tax needs to us, you can stay focused on what you do best—growing your business, while we handle the details.

Quick Inquiry Form

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You’re not required to have a goods and services number until your sales reach $30,000.00, but we always recommend applying for one on a voluntary basis with the CRA.

  • If you are leasing or renting a commercial space for your business, you can not claim it as a home office expense.

  • No matter how hard you try to expense golf fees (we see this a lot), they are not allowed.

  • With a partnership, it is a good idea to have a legal agreement to the percentage of responsibility each partner is committing to shares on income and liabilities.

Location Map

Office Location

RR21 and TWS 332
Olds, Alberta

Contact Details

Mailing Address

Ask-Her Tax + Bookkeeping Inc.
RR3 Site 2, Olds, AB. T4H 1P4


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